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Urban gardening

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Download the map of the Urban Garderning project in Differdange

Communal gardens

There are four communal gardens, one in each district of Differdange. They are open to all inhabitants who are invited to pick the ripe vegetables and fruits or simply enjoy the atmosphere of a vegetable garden in the middle of the city.

In Differdange, the garden is located at the entrance of the Differdange castle. In Oberkorn, the garden is located in the park Place Prince Jean, in Fousbann in the Henri Bessemer street and in Niederkorn in the park between rue Prinzenberg and the route de Pétange.

Raised gardens

Twenty-three raised beds are scattered throughout the different neighborhoods of Differdange, where the inhabitants are invited to help themselves to fresh vegetables and herbs.

Some of them contain herbs such as rosemary, chives, marjoram, sage, thyme, parsley or mint, but also more exotic varieties such as mountain savory, hyssop or bergamot.

Six raised beds are part of the action „A voller Bléi“ from the Mouvement écologiue. Others have vegetables such as lettuce, leek, strawberries or celery.


In the centre of Differdange behind the school there is a school garden which has been refurbished by our maison relais. With great pleasure and enthusiasm, the children have planted vegetables, fruit hedges, trees and flowers with their educators to embellish their garden. The children also take care of the watering, maintenance and of course the harvesting of the vegetables and fruits.

Fruit hedges

There are fruit hedges all over the municipality. For example a large hedge is located next to the church in Oberkorn. The fruit hedges consist of espalier trees, blueberries, raspberries and other varieties.




Environmental department
T. 58 77 1-1497


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