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Kesseljam with Boris Meichelbeck

24 April 2024

18:30 - 21:30

1535° / Kesselbetrieb


Experience the thrill of live improvisation as the stage becomes a groovy playground for creativity and collaboration. Come jam on the rock-solid foundation provided by drummer Boris Meichelbeck and feel the energy build as you’ll dive into vibrant jams transcending genres.

Whether you’re a seasoned musician or simply a music lover eager to soak in the vibrant atmosphere, this Jam Session promises an incredible evening of musical exploration. So bring your instrument, your love for music, and come have a great time at our KesselJam.

Free entrance

About Boris Meichelbeck:

Boris Meichelbeck is a multi-instrumentalist and composer from France. He studied jazz in the “Conservatoire régional du grand Nancy” as well as in the conservatory of Luxembourg. Boris focus is on drums and jazz, but he experiments on all genres and instruments.


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