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Maisons Relais (Childcare facilities)

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The Differdange childcare centers operate in the mornings from 6:30 am to 8 am (morning reception) and outside school hours until 6:45 pm. The childcare facilities fulfill different functions, provide healthy and balanced meals and snacks for children. Socio-pedagogical activities are planned and carried out by the educational staff.

Each child attending school can only be enrolled in the maison relais of his or her residence, with the exception of the Lasauvage school sector. A maison relais is located in each of the Differdange school sections: Differdange-centre, Fousbann, Lasauvage, Niederkorn, Oberkorn and Woiwer.

Our pedagogical concept

The child and his or her personality are at the heart of our daily action; that is why we respect each child as an individual in his or her own right.

We focus on the existing resources, talents, skills, interests and knowledge of the children entrusted to us, regardless of their age. We assume that faced with new challenges each child can develop his or her potential. This is why our childcare centers work according to the pedagogical concept “Welt-Atelier“.

Pedagogues are important caregivers for children, partners in the co-construction process and part of the network. It is the educator’s role to accompany the child with his or her professional knowledge.

Our structures comply with the Education Ministry’s regulations concerning non-formal education.

School holidays

For children who are not registered but who want to attend the maison relais during the school holidays, an application for registration at the maison relais of their residence is possible under the same conditions as for admission.


Maison Relais Niederkorn

Persons in charge
Estelle Leone
Raquel Alves

191, Avenue de la Liberté
L-4602 Niederkorn
T.: 58 77 1-1276 /-2403
E-mail 1
E-mail 2

Maison Relais Woiwer

Persons in charge
Mara Scheibel
Julie Castagna

2, rue Neuwies
L-4635 Differdange
T.: 58 77 1-2460
E-mail 1
E-mail 2

Maison Relais Fousbann

Persons in charge
Alexandra Ferreira
Sarah Mancinelli

2, rue John Castegnaro
L-4639 Differdange
T.: 58 77 1-1979 /-2491
E-mail 1
E-mail 2

Maison Relais Lasauvage

Persons in charge
Alexandra Ferreira
Sarah Mancinelli

Place Saintignon
L-4498 Lasauvage
T.: 58 77 1-1979 /-2491
E-mail 1
E-mail 2

Maison Relais Differdange-centre

Persons in charges
Karin Laux
Julien Cros

12-14, rue Emile Mark
L-4620 Differdange
T.: 58 77 1 -2413 /-2414
E-mail 1
E-mail 2

Maison relais Oberkorn

Persons in charge
Laura Scassellati
Yannick Louis

5, rue de la Gare
L-4571 Differdange
T.: 58 77 1-1984 /-1985
E-mail 1
E-mail 2

Forest Maison Relais

Person in charge
Jessica Lopes Santos

Am Kannerbongert
L-4610 Niederkorn
T.: 58 77 1-2197

Maison relais Mathendahl

Persons in charge
Vera Lima Paula
Cornelia Jaroni

2, rue Anne Beffort
L-4566 Differdange
T.: 58 77 1-2710 /-2711

E-mail 1
E-mail 2


Coordination & organization

School and children’s department – childcare facilities
40, avenue Charlotte
L-4501 Differdange
T.: 58 77 1-1423/1407/1428


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