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of the city of

What’s new?

Flooding: Notice to Residents

On the night of 29-30 June 2024, our municipality was hit by violent storms that caused extensive flooding.

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Municipal council meeting

The next meeting of the municipal council will take place on 10 July 2024 at 8 a.m. in the meeting room of the town hall in Differdange.

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Registration: language courses

Registration for the language courses organized by the city of Differdange for the school year 2023-2024 has started. Enrolments can only be made via this website.

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Our City in Mourning

The City of Differdange is greatly saddened to announce the death of its long-time Alderman and Council Member, Fred Bertinelli.

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Open-air activities

Every Sunday in July, August and September from 10:30-11:30 a.m. in the parks of Differdange.

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Simply do it online

From the residents' parking permit and the building permit to the Diff Prime or the registration at the Maison Relais: take care of your administrative matters easily and conveniently from home!

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In an emergency


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Differdange town hall
40, avenue Charlotte, B.P. 12 – L-4501 Differdange

(352) 58 77 1-01


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