
Hoplr, the Neighbourhood Network

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Hoplr is the social network for your neighbourhood accessible by app and website.

The city of Differdange provides Hoplr for you as a resident. It’s free, there is no advertising and it is safe to use.

You can use Hoplr to get in touch with your neighbours:

● Get to know your neighbours

● Organize or take part in local activities

● Receive useful alerts

● Offer or ask for help from your neighbours

● Find a babysitter nearby

● Organize a local clean-up

● Find a specialist

● Borrow items

● Find help with household chores

● and much more!


Is this service free?

The city of Differdange provides Hoplr for you as a resident. Signing up to the Hoplr neighbourhood network is easy… and free!

How to sign up?

  1. Download the mobile app or visit and enter your address
  2. Click on “Find my neighbourhood”
  3. Use your neighbourhood code and register

I’m having trouble with the app. Who should I contact?

If you are experiencing any problems, please contact Hoplr directly at

I can’t download the application. What should I do?

Is the message “This app is not available in your region” displayed?
It is likely that your Google Play Store account is linked to a country other than Luxembourg.
You’ll need to check the regional settings for your Google Account.

Here’s how to do it:
Can you check whether your chosen country is Luxembourg? If not, you can change this.
After 48 hours (or more), you can download the Hoplr application. In the meantime, you can register via

Do I receive messages from the city of Differdange?

You will also receive messages from the city of Differdange via the neighbourhood network Hoplr.

My question is not listed. What should I do?

If your question is not listed, please visit the official Hoplr website and consult the “Help” section.


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