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Childcare Service Voucher

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To qualify for the childcare service voucher, children must:

  • be under the age of 13 and/or;
  • not have left elementary education.

The card must be renewed every year in the municipality of residence.

Establish / renew the “childcare service voucher” contract

Documents required (If you file a tax return)

If you file a tax return:

  • Income tax form of the 2 persons of the household in which the child lives (married, civil union, cohabiting, reconstituted household), or of the single-parent families;


  • Possible alimony

Documents required (If you do not file a tax return)

If you do not file a tax return:

  • 3 last salary slips (or ADEM slips in case of unemployment, CNS slips in case of maternity leave or Zukunftskeess slips in case of parental leave) of the 2 persons of the household in which the child lives (married, civil union, cohabiting, reconstituted household), or of the single-parent families.


  • Possible alimony


Income certificate (proof that you are not obliged to file a tax return) of the 2 persons of the household in which the child lives (married, civil union, cohabiting, reconstituted household), or of the single-parent families.

To obtain the certificate, please contact:
Administration des Contributions Directes Differdange
23, Grand-Rue
L-4575 Differdange
Tel : 247-52486


Certificate that one of the 2 persons of the household in which the child lives (married, civil union, cohabiting, reconstituted household) or the single-parent families receive the RMG (guaranteed minimum income)/REVIS + last bank statement


It is possible to establish a service voucher contract without any income indication.
In this case, please note that the service voucher will be charged at the full rate!

School and children’s department – childcare facilities

T. 58 77 1 -1405/-1426/-1403

40, Avenue Charlotte
L-4501 Differdange
3rd floor (counter)


Ministry of National Education, Children and Youth
T. 8002 11 12

29, rue Aldringen
L-2926 Luxembourg


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