Note City hall is moving from 17 February to 8 March. Find out more here Close
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Differdange on Hoplr

Hoplr is the social network for your neighbourhood accessible by app and website. The city of Differdange provides Hoplr for you as a resident. It’s free, there is no advertising and it is safe to use.

You can use Hoplr to get in touch with your neighbours :

  • Receive notifications about your neighbourhood ;
  • Ask your neighbours for help or offer help ;
  • Find a babysitter ;
  • Organise a Cleanup event ;
  • Borrow items ;
  • Find a specialist ;
  • Find help with housework ;
  • and much more!

The content published is only accessible to members of the neighbourhood. Get to know your neighbours and help build a better neighbourhood. You will also receive messages from the City of Differdange via the Hoplr neighbourhood network.

Hoplr is also available as a mobile application.



Department for media and communication
T. 58 77 1-1255


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