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Technical & Urban development

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Department for building permits

For all major construction or conversion works, citizens, investors and real-estate owners are obliged to apply for a building permit from the department for building permits.


1, Place Nelson Mandela
L-4530 Differdange

Opening hours

Monday to Friday: 8 am to 11.30 am
Afternoons by appointment only
Make an appointment
Contact form

Michel Gonderinger, Head of department
Tél.: 58 77 1-1408

Serge Cichy, Secretary
Tél.: 58 77 1-1287

Charlie Diswiscour
Tél.: 58 77 1-1614

Rita Noël
Tél.: 58 77 1-1415

Diogo Pacheco
Tél.: 58 77 1-1247

Amel Sabotic
Tél.: 58 77 1-1980

Forms and publications

Publication – Building permits

Application for a building permit (fr)

Trenching application (fr)

Request for scaffolding installation (fr)

Application for a subsidy for facade embellishment

Request for specific Information about building (fr): Contact: Citizens office

Municipal management and work shops (CID)


66, rue Emile Mark
L-4620 Differdange

André Gonderinger
Tél.: 58 77 1-1281

Philippe Zavaglia
Tél.: 58 77 1-1288

Pol Biver
Tél.: 58 77 1-1284

Marc Belardi, Secretary
Tél.: 58 77 1-1800

Yves Theisen, Secretary
Tél.: 58 77 1-1812

Urban Development Department

The primary occupation of the Urban Development Department is the management of the General Development Plan (GDP), urban development and planning, and the development and coordination of urban projects, master plans (MP), and special development plans (SP).


Town Hall, 2nd floor
40, avenue Charlotte
L-4530 Differdange
B.P. 12 – L-4501

Formulaire de contact

Manuel Lopes, city architect
Tél.: 58 77 1-1269

Véronique Grün, architect
Tél.: 58 77 1-1617

Mobility department

If you need to occupy public roads during a building site or a move, it is essential to inform the council of aldermen. Each request must be submitted, duly completed, at least 5 working days before the start of the work. It is without prejudice to any other authorisation that may be necessary for the execution of the work.


Town Hall, 2nd floor
40, avenue Charlotte
L-4530 Differdange
B.P. 12 – L-4501

Contact Form

Stefan Lafontaine
Tél.: 58 77 1-1485

Jennifer Di Vita
Tél.: 58 77 1-1487

Steve Faltz
Tél.: 58 77 1-1268

David Simoes Dias, Secretary
Tél.: 58 77 1-1271

Forms and regulations

Traffic Regulations (official version FR)

Obstructing public thoroughfares (FR)

Request for access to a reserved path (FR)

Request for the installation and exploitation of terraces (FR)

Obtaining a residential permit,
a parking permit / parking space for persons with special needs

Application form for a residential permit

Request for a parking permit for persons with special needs (FR)

Request for a parking space for persons with special needs (FR)

Municipal works


Town Hall, 2nd floor
40, avenue Charlotte
L-4530 Differdange
B.P. 12 – L-4501

New constructions

Elke Peterhänsel, City engineer
Tél.: 58 77 1-1291

Monique Micarelli-Ninin, Secretary
Tél.: 58 77 1-1245

Stefano Beni
Tél.: 58 77 1-1612

Laure Kerger 
Tél.: 58 77 1-1249

Maintenance, renovation and security

Michel Schammo
Tél.: 58 77 1-1270

André Schenkels
Tél.: 58 77 1-1611

Laurent Roncari 
Tél.: 58 77 1-1404

Road works

André Gonderinger
Tél.: 58 77 1-1281

Adan Skenderovic
Tél.: 58 77 1-1292


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