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Solidarity allowance 2024

Applications for the municipal solidarity allowance can be submitted as of 1 March 2024

Who can apply for the solidarity benefits?

All adult citizens who, at the time of application, are registered in the main census of the city of Differdange and who have received a cost-of-living allowance or an energy allowance from the State in 2024. Only one application can be submitted per household.

How do I apply for the solidarity grant?

  • Download the application form below, fill it in and send it with the required documents to the following address:
    Differdange Social Office
    23, Grand-rue
    L-4575 Differdange.
  • Pick up the application form at the reception of the town hall or at the secretariat of the social office, fill it in and send it with the required documents to the address above.
  • Make an appointment at the secretariat of the social office to get help to fill in the application form. Tel: 58 77 1-1551/-1552/-1550/-2234.

Download the form

Which benefits are granted?

The amount of the solidarity allowance (AS) is 50% of the amount of the granted cost-of-living allowance (AVC) and/or the energy allowance:

HouseholdAVC + energy allowance% allocatedAmount AS
1 person1852 €50 %926 €
2 persons2315 €50 %1157,50 €
3 persons2778 €50 %1389 €
4 persons3241 €50 %1620,50 €
> 4 persons3704 €50 %1852 €
Solidarity allowance 2024
Householdenergy allowance% allocatedAmount AS
1 person200 €50 %100 €
2 persons250 €50 %125 €
3 persons300 €50 %150 €
4 persons350 €50 %175 €
> 4 persons400 €50 %200 €
Solidarity allowance 2024

Who can help me?

Social Services of the city of Differdange
Phone: 58771-1551/-1552/-1550/-2234

Please note: No acknowledgement of receipt will be sent to applicants. All complete applications will be processed and all incomplete applications will be returned to the applicant.


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