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Administrative procedures

Extended opening hours

The Customer service department takes care of the management and the granting of the extended opening hours.

Price of a night with extended opening hours (until 3.00AM) : €35.

Extracts from the law of June 29, 1989, reforming the regime of cabarets (article 17):

  • The normal opening hours of alcoholic beverage outlets are fixed from six o’clock in the morning to one o’clock in the morning of the following day.
  • Individual derogation extending the opening hours to three o’clock in the morning may be granted, upon request, by the mayor, when there is no reason to fear either disturbance of public order and tranquility or intolerable inconvenience to the neighborhood.
  • These authorizations are essentially temporary and may be withdrawn, without giving rise to compensation, when the conditions for granting them are no longer met or if the opening hours are not respected.
  • Where the establishment is kept open beyond normal business hours, the permit must be posted in a place clearly visible from the outside.
  • The municipal council may, in addition, on the occasion of certain festivals and festivities, extend the hours of operation generally until three o’clock in the morning.

Listing of official extended opening hours for the year 2024.

Vote: Public meeting of the City Council on December 1, 2023.

The curfew for alcoholic beverages, unless restricted*, will be moved back to 3 a.m. on the following holidays:

  • Carnival Friday on Friday, 9 February 2024.
  • Carnival Saturday on Saturday, 10 February 2024.
  • Eve of Laetare (Halleffaaschten) on Saturday, 9 March 2024.
  • Eve of Labor Day on Tuesday, 30 April 2024.
  • Eve of Europe Day on Wednesday, 8 May 2024.
  • Eve of the National Holiday, on Saturday, 22 June 2024.
  • Eve of All Saints’ Day (Halloween), on Thursday, 31 October 2024.
  • Christmas Eve, on Tuesday, 24 December 2024.
  • Christmas, on Wednesday, 25 December 2024.
  • New Year’s Eve, on Tuesday, 31 December 2024.

For the locality of Differdange and Fousbann (Kirmes Differdange), the curfew for alcoholic beverages will be moved back to 3 a.m. on Friday 19 April 2024 and Saturday 20 April 2024, except for restrictions*.

For the locality of Lasauvage and Fond-de-Gras (Kirmes Lasauvage & Blues Express), the curfew for alcoholic beverages will be moved back to 3 a.m. on Friday 17 May 2024 and Saturday 18 May 2024 and Saturday 13 July 2024, except for restrictions*.

For the locality of Niederkorn (Kirmes in Niederkorn), the curfew for alcoholic beverages will be moved back to 3 a.m. on Friday 19 July 2024 and Saturday 20 July 2024, with a few exceptions*.

For the locality of Oberkorn (Oberkorner Kirmes), the curfew for alcoholic beverages will be moved back to 3 a.m. on Friday 11 October 2024 and Saturday 12 October 2024, with a few exceptions*.

* Establishments that have been denied “extended opening hours” due to too many complaints from the neighborhood for disturbing the peace or public order at night will still be required to adhere to normal hours for alcoholic beverages.

contact & information:

Customer service department 

Tél : 58 77 1-1730


Open from Monday to Friday from 8h00 to 11h30 and from 13h30 to 16h30

Mailing address:

Ville de Differdange / customer service department


L-4501 Differdange


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