Note The registration period for early education and for the forest class for 2025-2026 is open. Close
Administrative procedures

Voter registration

Voting is compulsory in the Grand Duchy for all Luxembourgish persons and all registered foreign voters who have reached the age of 18.

Persons aged over 75 on polling day are exempt from compulsory voting. However, they remain registered and may, if they wish, participate in the elections.


The municipal elections are open to all Luxembourgers and to any non-Luxembourgish person residing in Luxembourg. Nationals of another Member State of the European Union or of the Schengen area must :

  • be domiciled in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg,
  • reside there at the time of the application for registration on the electoral roll.

Other foreign nationals must:

  • have a valid residence permit or permit to stay,
  • be domiciled in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg,
  • reside there at the time of the application for registration on the electoral roll.

European elections are open to all Luxembourg citizens and to any other citizen of the European Union residing in Luxembourg

Parliamentary elections are open to all persons holding Luxembourg nationality

Luxembourg nationals residing abroad are no longer obliged to vote, but they may take part by postal vote. The respective request should be addressed to the last municipality of residence before their departure abroad.

Voter registration

Any national who wishes to participate in the elections must, as soon as they meet the conditions, register for the elections in question.

The application for registration shall be made either:

  • by presenting themselves with a valid identity document or passport to the citizens office and signing the application form printed by the civil servant
  • by electronic filing via

More information


Further information

Citizens office
T.: 58 77 1 – 01

During office hours (8 am  – 11.30 pm and 1.30 pm  – 4.30 pm)

Online procedures are to be preferred. If you have to come to the citizens office, please make an appointment.


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