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Food Council is recruiting new members


The Food Council is a place for reflection and discussion. Where does our food come from? What do we produce locally? Is it possible to eat locally or in season in Differdange?

These issues relating to the food system and food in general are at the heart of the concerns of the Food Council (Ernärungsrot) of Differdange. Its mission is to support the city’s implementation of a food policy that is environmentally sustainable, economically resilient and socially just.

Once a month, it brings together citizens and professionals from the public and private sectors linked to food. Anyone can become a member and contribute their ideas and knowledge: residents, shopkeepers, producers, farmers, people working in the Horesca sector, in healthcare, in education, in an NGO, or simply those sensitive to and interested in the subject of sustainable food.


Do you feel concerned by this issue? Would you like to find out more?

We invite you to our next meeting, on 25 March 2024 from 5.30 pm to 7 pm at Maison Émile-Mark, 7, avenue de la Liberté in Differdange.

Please let us know if you will be attending: or


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