The Differdange childcare centers operate in the mornings from 6:30 am to 8 am (morning reception) and outside school hours until 6:45 pm. The childcare facilities fulfill different functions, provide healthy and balanced meals and snacks for children. Socio-pedagogical activities are planned and carried out by the educational staff.
Each child attending school can only be enrolled in the maison relais of his or her residence, with the exception of the Lasauvage school sector. A maison relais is located in each of the Differdange school sections: Differdange-centre, Fousbann, Lasauvage, Niederkorn, Oberkorn and Woiwer.
The child and his or her personality are at the heart of our daily action; that is why we respect each child as an individual in his or her own right.
We focus on the existing resources, talents, skills, interests and knowledge of the children entrusted to us, regardless of their age. We assume that faced with new challenges each child can develop his or her potential. This is why our childcare centers work according to the pedagogical concept “Welt-Atelier“.
Pedagogues are important caregivers for children, partners in the co-construction process and part of the network. It is the educator’s role to accompany the child with his or her professional knowledge.
Our structures comply with the Education Ministry’s regulations concerning non-formal education.
Our facilities are an inclusive space where everyone is welcomed with respect and dignity, and we are fully committed to promoting the integration and well-being of all.
Registration is carried out electronically during the registration period. If you are unable to log on and register your child, you can request an appointment with the Maison Relais staff in your school sector during the registration period, in order to submit the form (available on request from the Maison Relais) and the required documents.
A child’s enrolment is valid for one school year, i.e. from 15 September of the current year to 14 September of the following year. It must be renewed for each school year.
Registration period | Holidays |
16.09.2024-20.09.2024 | Toussaint & Noël |
24.02.2025-07.03.2025 | Rentrée 2025/26 |
06.01.2025-10.01.2025 | Carnaval & Pâques |
21.04.2025-25.04.2025 | Pentecôte & Été |
Documents required to register your child at the Maison Relais
For children who are not registered but who want to attend the maison relais during the school holidays, an application for registration at the maison relais of their residence is possible under the same conditions as for admission.
The City of Differdange’s sports project for all the children of the Maison relais.
The project is a collaboration between the education department, the sports department of the City of Differdange and the local sports clubs. It will enable all children attending a Maison relais to take part in a sporting activity during the lunch break at the Maison relais.
The principle is simple: the sports department and the Maison relais, in collaboration with the local sports clubs, organise training sessions in the sports halls of the various school campuses during the Maison relais lunch break. The choice of sporting activity is up to each child, who can try out a different sport each day. It’s a win-win situation for all concerned: the children can practise their favourite sport and discover new disciplines, while the clubs are delighted to find potential new recruits.
How does it work? The sports sessions are divided into two blocks of 45 minutes each during the lunch break at the Maison relais. All children who are registered at the Maison relais during lunchtime can take part in the sessions. The child must register with the educator. Supervision is guaranteed by the Maison relais educators.
The Maisons relais will be closed from 23 December 2024 to 27 December 2024, and from 12 noon on 31 December 2024.
Facilities will close earlier on Campusfester days, which will be announced well in advance.
Madame Estelle Leone
Madame Raquel Alves
191, Avenue de la Liberté
L-4602 Niederkorn
T. 58 77 1-1276 /-2403
Madame Mara Scheibel
Madame Julie Castagna
2, rue Neuwies
L-4635 Differdange
Madame Alexandra Ferreira
Madame Sarah Mancinelli
2, rue John Castegnaro
L-4639 Differdange
T. 58 77 1-1979 /-2491
Madame Alexandra Ferreira
Madame Sarah Mancinelli
Place Saintignon
L-4498 Lasauvage
T. 58 77 1-1979 /-2491
Madame Karin Laux
M. Julien Cros
12-14, rue Emile Mark
L-4620 Differdange
T. 58 77 1 -2413 /-2414
Madame Laura Scassellati
Madame Anne Schreiner
5, rue de la Gare
L-4571 Differdange
T. 58 77 1-1984 /-1985
Madame Jessica Lopes Santos
Am Kannerbongert
L-4610 Niederkorn
Madame Vera Lima Paula
Madame Cornelia Jaroni
2, rue Anne Beffort
L-4566 Differdange
T. 58 77 1-2710 /-2711
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