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Citizens office (Biergeramt)

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The citizen’s office (Biergeramt) is the department that citizens are probably most familiar with. This is where they can obtain civil documents, certificates, certified copies, disability cards and residential parking stickers, apply for identity cards and biometric passports or make declarations of arrival, departure or death.

Opening hours

The Biergeramt is open from Monday to Friday from 8 am to 11.30 am (arrival declarations only until 11 am or by appointment) and from 1.30 pm to 4.30 pm (arrival declarations only until 4 pm or by appointment). On Saturdays the citizens office is open from 9 am to 11 am (only for certificates, identity cards and passports, no arrival or departure declarations).

Administrative procedures

Identity cards / passports (only possible by appointment)

Application for an identity card or passport is only possible by appointment.

Make an appointment



Citizens office (Biergeramt)
T. 58 77 1-1710 | Saturday only T. 58 77 1-1705

40, avenue Charlotte
L-4530 Differdange
Ground floor


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