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The City of Differdange is committed to the environment and has several labels in different areas.

Climate Alliance

The city of Differdange is a member of the Climate Alliance Luxembourg. The Climate Alliance is more than a technical measure to reduce greenhouse gases. It is a process that links all areas of local politics and sets a common goal.

What are the most important tasks in climate protection at the municipal level?

  • Local working groups on transport, energy and development policy open to the community’s citizens
  • Model function of municipal institutions
  • Regular report on implementation in the areas of CO2 reduction, project partnership with the public domain, national and international coordination
  • Local public relations and educational work
  • Participation in national and international climate alliance meetings for exchange of information and experience
  • Participation in joint actions of Climate Alliance partners
  • Membership in the international association

Smoke-free municipality

All citizens, young and old, have the right to grow up smoke-free. The City of Differdange is joining the “Génération sans tabac” initiative.

Tobacco consumption has numerous serious consequences for health, the environment and society. More than a quarter of Luxembourg’s population over the age of 16 smokes. The number of daily smokers has risen steadily since 2019. The proportion of young smokers in particular is worrying: 34% of 16 to 24-year-olds and 36% of 25 to 34-year-olds say they smoke.

“Génération sans tabac” is a national strategy of the Fondation Cancer to protect children and teenagers from the dangers of smoking by enabling them to grow up in a smoke-free environment. The municipalities are important partners in this strategy, as they are in regular contact with the population, schools and associations. As the third-largest city in Luxembourg, Differdange wants to make an impact and was awarded the bronze label as a smoke-free municipality on 8 March 2024.

In order to implement the objectives of the strategy, the city has set up a work group in which employees from various departments (living together, sports, schools and childcare, environment, communication) can exchange ideas.



The first step is to take stock of where in the municipality children are exposed to smoke in public places, buildings and facilities. If necessary, appropriate measures will be taken to ensure a smoke-free environment, e.g. putting up signs or moving ashtrays from the main entrance of a building to an alternative location.

In a further step, various city events will be classified as smoke-free, e.g. because many families with children attend.

It is not about banning smoking, but rather about raising awareness and informing people: about the objectives of the strategy and why it is so important, about the positive effects that giving up tobacco has not only on personal health, but also on the family and fellow human beings who are involuntarily exposed to smoke. The positive aspect for the environment should not be neglected either, as the ecological footprint of the tobacco production, sale and carelessly discarded cigarette is alarming.

If you would like to find out more about the benefits of not smoking, want to stop smoking and need support in doing so, you can find it at

To find out more about the national strategy, visit


In Luxembourg, we are privileged to be able to enjoy excellent quality tap water. This is the result of regular analyses carried out in accordance with the potability criteria laid down by the World Health Organisation. In order to guarantee this high standard in the future, it is essential to maintain drinking water networks and infrastructures.

With this in mind, the Ministry for the Environment, Climate and Sustainable Development is awarding ‘Drëpsi’ certificates of excellence to drinking water suppliers, including the city of Differdange. These certificates reward the efforts made by local authorities and local authority associations to ensure that water quality is maintained at all times.

Fairtrade commune

“Commune Fairtrade” is a title granted to municipalities whose municipal authorities and inhabitants demonstrate their commitment to fair trade. It is an international concept implemented in 19 countries. In order to benefit from this designation, the municipality must meet five criteria:

  1. Local Fairtrade Action Group
  2. Fairtrade policy
  3. Awareness-raising activities and presence in the municipal media
  4. Sustainability education and the active participation of community members
  5. Offer of Fairtrade products in the municipality

Certificate 2022-2023

The non-profit association Fairtrade Lëtzebuerg is in charge of the development of fair trade in Luxembourg. Fairtrade Lëtzebuerg asbl. is a member of the international Fairtrade network. It is not a commercial company: the association does not buy or sell any products. It is an NGO (non-governmental organisation) to raise awareness, to promote fair trade in Luxembourg and to draw the attention of the general public to the inequalities in world trade.

Fairtrade Lëtzebuerg:

  • is committed to raising public awareness of Fairtrade, especially among young people, through workshops and conferences and the creation of awareness-raising materials.
  • is committed to bringing fair trade into the political debate
  • manages and controls the use of the Fairtrade/TransFair label on the Luxembourg market
  • supports economic players in their approach to social responsibility

Fairtrade Lëtzebuerg is not a commercial organisation, but an independent and non-profit making association that awards its label to the actors of fair trade: importers, traders and small businesses (roasters, chocolate makers).

Fairtrade Lëtzebuerg is a government-recognized NGO. Its members include organisations from a wide range of social, third-world and environmental interests. As a result, many committed and competent people vouch for the proper functioning of Fairtrade Lëtzebuerg.

FSC label

The forests of Differdange have the FSC label. This label guarantees that our forests are managed responsibly.

When you buy a chair, a toy or paper, you usually don’t know where the wood comes from. The Forest Stewardship Council was founded to bring some transparency in this area. Although the exploitation of our forests is essential, it must nevertheless respect fundamental ecological values such as respect for rare species and biotopes.


Controls carried out by independent third parties, FSC-recognized certifiers, guarantee the implementation of FSC standards. These standards are checked at least once a year and ensure that the criteria are met throughout the production chain.

Why the FSC label?

Forests guarantee the variety of animal and plant species. They stabilize the earth’s climate, clean the air, absorb pollutants and protect water. Finally, they are part of the cultural heritage and are an important space for leisure and relaxation.

Owners of forests with the FSC label are committed comply with the following criteria, among others:

the guarantee of species diversity
occupational safety
the production of good-quality wood with high economic value
long-term forest business planning

Climate pact

On December 19, 2013 our city signed up to the Climate pact (Klimapakt).

The aim of the Climate Pact is to encourage local authorities to set and achieve targets in order to reduce the consumption of non-renewable energy, to reduce the production of greenhouse gases (CO2) and thus to contribute to national efforts to combat climate change.

The Climate Pact was set up by the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Infrastructure. It offers municipalities the opportunity to structure their climate and energy policy, to reduce their energy costs by improving energy efficiency and to stimulate local and regional economic activities, while benefiting from technical and financial support from the government.

By signing the contract with the state, the city of Differdange commits itself to implement a quality management system based on the “European Energy Award”.

Six main fields of application with a total of 79 measures will be analyzed and implemented:

  1. spatial planning, buildings — energy-and-climate-friendly municipal planning
  2. municipal buildings, facilities — energy and water management; energy targets
  3. water supply, sewerage — strategies and issues in the field of water supply and sewerage
  4. mobility — individual motorized transport and parking; soft mobility; public transport
  5. internal organization — internal structures; internal processes; finances
  6. communication, cooperation — economic activities and companies; support for private initiatives

More info on
Download the policy of the city of Differdange (only available in German)



Environmental department
T. 58 77 1-1497


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