04 Mai 2024
14:00 - 17:00
1535° / Hangar
In this workshop in partnership with INECC Luxembourg and guided by artist and vocalist Valérie Schiel you will discover how to use voice to center yourself and find calmness and inner harmony.
Explore how singing can help you find inner balance and connect with your deeper essence by working on breathing, body and airflow.
Through the study of sacred and world chants, as well as that of sound yoga and various improvisation exercises, you will learn how to bring more depth to your sound, vibrate in new ways and explore new expressive possibilities.
About INECC Luxembourg:
INECC is the European Institute of Choral Singing. Based in Luxembourg, they focus on raising awareness and providing training on signing, voice and choir direction, especially for children and teenagers. They also support the development of new projects, fostering the links between amateur practices and the professional world of creation and distribution.
About Valérie Schiel:
Valérie Schiel is a Luxembourgish artist. After completing her theater studies and pursuing a career as a casting director in cinema, she returned to the source: the voice, the body, and emotions. Thanks to an intuitive and creative approach stemming from numerous encounters, multidisciplinary learning, personal research and experimentation, she shares her experiences and discoveries on the path of sound and voice.
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