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Administrative procedures


The following certificates are available at the population office upon presentation of the identity card respectively the residence card/registration certificate/residence permit:

  • Certificate of residence;
  • Certificate of extended residence;
  • Certificate of life;
  • Certificate of registration on the electoral roll;
  • Certificate of Parental Authorization.

Certificates of residence, extended residence and voter registration can also be requested by e-mail to with a copy of an identity document attached.

Minor children going abroad unaccompanied by their parents may apply for parental authorization. This certificate is issued by the citizens office.

For this purpose, one of the child’s parents must present themselves at the citizens office and provide the following information:

  • Date of departure and date of return of the child;
  • Destination of the child (country & city);
  • Name of the accompanying person (must be of legal age).

It is imperative that one of the parents present themselves in person at the citizens office, since their signature must be legalized. The child will have to keep this authorization with them and present it upon request together with their identity card or title.



T.: 58 77 1-01

Online procedures are to be preferred.


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