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Participatory Budget

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The City of Differdange is making a participatory budget to implement projects of general interest aimed at improving the quality of life, promoting collective approaches and coexistence throughout the territory of the Municipality of Differdange.

The participatory budget is endowed with a total of €100,000, of which €50,000 is allocated by the committee and €50,000 by citizen vote.

The proposed projects must fall within the competence of the municipality and can be related to one or more of the following themes: living together, social and solidarity, environment, urban planning, mobility, culture and heritage, digital, children or youth, sports, etc.

Please consult the eligibility criteria below.


Submit a project

All residents and cross-border workers over the age of 16, as well as groups or associations, can propose a project.

Projects can be submitted by individuals or groups, with one responsible person per project and a maximum of one project per person. Elected representatives and members of the committee cannot be project initiators.

How to submit your project? The project application can be completed online or downloaded and sent to the Vivre Ensemble office.

Ville de Differdange
Département du vivre ensemble
16-18, avenue de la Liberté
L-4601 Differdange

Eligibility criteria

Projects will be reviewed by municipal departments for eligibility and legal, technical and financial feasibility. To be eligible, projects must meet all of the following criteria:

  • They must be located in a public place or be a service at the municipal level.
  • They must be of general interest and accessible to all free of charge.
  • They must fall within the competence of the municipality.
  • There must be no operating costs (services, personnel costs) beyond ongoing maintenance.
  • They must be technically and legally feasible.
  • They must not already be under development.
  • They must not exceed the maximum amount of 25,000 euros per project.
  • They must not be the subject of project-related financial remuneration from the project sponsor or its organization (conflict of interest).
  • They must not contain political, religious or discriminatory elements.
  • They must respect the principles of sustainable development.

Projects will be validated or rejected by the Supervisory Committee on the basis of the eligibility criteria.

Applicants with similar ideas will be invited to join forces for a possible merger.

Steps / process

Participatory Budget 2025 – Different phases

Phase 1: Call for projects (15.01.2025-15.04.2025)
Phase 2: Analysis of projects (15.04.2025-15.06.2025)
Phase 3: Selection of projects by the committee – not subject to public vote (15.06.2025-15.07.2025)
Phase 4: Implementation of projects selected by the committee (15.07.2025-31.12.2025)
Phase 5: Citizen vote on eligible projects (15.07.2025-15.09.2025)
Phase 6: Communication of selected projects – results of the citizens’ vote (15.09.2025-30.09.2025)
Phase 7: Implementation of the projects selected by the citizens (01.10.2025-31.12.2025)

The participatory budget is endowed with a total of €100,000, of which €50,000 is allocated by the committee and €50,000 by citizen vote (on the Hoplr platform). The selected proposals will be allocated a budget for their implementation. The second selection of all the other eligible projects will be made by participatory vote by residents on the Hoplr platform. The projects will be implemented by the working groups.

Citizen vote

An initial selection of validated projects will be made by the committee, with a maximum limit of half the participatory budget (50,000). The projects will be evaluated according to their impact on community life, the participation of residents, distributive justice at the community level, and a social cost-benefit analysis. This initial selection will allow projects to be distributed throughout the year and implemented quickly.

A second selection of all the other eligible projects will be made through citizen voting on the Hoplr platform. The projects with the highest approval ratings will be retained until the participatory budget is exhausted.


The committee is made up of the municipal departments affected by the project. The composition of the committee may therefore vary from project to project. The committee will oversee the proper implementation of all phases of the participatory budget procedure. The decisions of the committee will be reviewed and approved by the College of Aldermen.


The participatory budget process includes a strategy of communication and transparency.

Information on the participatory budget will be regularly published on the municipality’s website and social networks. The implemented proposals and projects will be presented in the form of inauguration ceremonies, detailed information, etc.

Citizens will be informed in advance about the different steps and planned deadlines.

The projects will be presented anonymously on the city’s various communication channels and their development will be monitored.



Equal Opportunities Service
T. 58 77 1-1560 / –1558


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