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Administrative procedures

Civil Partnership (PACS)

The two partners, of different or of the same sex, appear together before the civil registrar of their common residence and declare there personally and jointly their partnership and the existence of an agreement dealing with the property effects of their partnership, if such an agreement is concluded between them.

(Law of 9 July 2004 amended by the law of 3 August 2010)

Documents to be submitted

  • valid identity card for Luxembourg nationals, valid passport for foreign nationals
  • recent certificates of residence and unmarried status certificate for each of the partners attesting that they have a common legal residence
  • a declaration on honor, signed by the partners either before the registrar or before a notary, that there is no family relationship or alliance between them that would constitute a legal impediment to register the partnership
  • proof of their civil status by a recent full copy of their birth certificate


  • a full copy of the dissolved marriage certificate bearing mention of the divorce or a full copy of the divorce transcript


  • death certificate of the deceased or birth certificate of the deceased spouse bearing mention of the death

people who do not have a birth certificate from a Luxembourg municipality:

  • a certificate stating that neither of the two persons has registered another partnership with another person. This certificate can be requested from the: Cité judiciaire, Bât. CR, Parquet Général, Service du répertoire civil, L-2080 Luxembourg (T. 47 59 81-341)

people who have already entered into a partnership before 1 November 2010:

  • a recent certificate from the civil registry recording the dissolution of the declared partnership
  • foreign nationals: certificate by the competent foreign authority stating that they are not engaged in a partnership or other form of life community contracted abroad. Absence this document: a certificate of custom issued by the competent foreign authorities according to which the persons fulfill the conditions for entering into a marriage under the law of their country of origin and that this legislation does not provide for a partnership or similar life community
  • if applicable: proof of the existence of an agreement dealing with property effects.

All foreign documents must be translated into French, German or English by a sworn translator (contact information T. 47 59 81-335), authenticated if necessary, if they do not come from a country that has ratified the Hague Convention of 5 October 1961.

Further information

The civil registrar informally registers the partnership declaration and sends it to the civil register within three days. The civil partnership takes legal effect as soon as it is registered in the civil register. The certificate of the registered partnership will be sent to both partners by post.

Neither the agreement nor the documents submitted are kept by the civil registrar, but will be returned to the partners after verification. It is therefore up to them to ensure that they themselves keep them or deposit them with a notary, a lawyer or a person of trust.

To declare a civil partnership please make an appointment with the civil registry office.


Further information

Citizens office
T.: 58 77 1 -01

During office hours (8 am  – 11.30 am and 1.30 pm  – 4.30 pm)

Online procedures are to be preferred.


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