Kelly Gomes is engaged as an educational officer in the youth center in Differdange and works actively on the territory of the municipality. Her mission is to reach out to inactive young people between 16 and 26 years old and to motivate them to reactivate themselves in one way or another (re-enroll in school, do training, an apprenticeship, volunteer work or become professionally active).
The project is intended for inactive youth who have dropped out of school, a measure or a job and who have difficulty undertaking reactivation efforts on their own. Other factors, including socio-familial, financial, health or housing factors may be added to their situation, so that they may not have sufficient means to plan and carry out an educational or professional project.
Kelly does “mobile youth work“ (aufsuchende Jugendarbeit), which consists of going to the streets in and around Differdange to find these young people. Thanks to an active and regular presence in the public spaces of the municipality, she creates personal bonds and establishes contact and a basis of trust with them, with the aim of becoming the reference person to whom the young people can address their concerns and problems.
These young people are often resigned to their situation and are disillusioned by the many (and repetitive) failures they have suffered, which means that they are not necessarily ready to begin and enter into training, voluntary work or employment measures immediately. First of all, they require intense support and guidance in order to reactivate their self-confidence as well as their willingness to change the situation they find themselves in.
Kelly offers them support by facilitating access to information, providing guidance and proposing the development of a life plan. The service is an offer that young people can respond to voluntarily and freely.
The door of her office, which is located in the youth center Differdange-centre (on the top floor), is always open for any information. Do not hesitate to contact her if you have any questions.
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