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By decision of the pedagogical team and in consultation with the teachers specializing in the education of children with special or specific educational needs (I-EBS), the support team for pupils with special or specific educational needs (ESEB), the Commission for Inclusion (Commission d’inclusion) and – where appropriate – parents, certain support measures may be applied during school hours.

Team for special educational needs (ESEB)

In close collaboration with the class teacher the ESEB establishes the diagnosis and takes care of pupils with special or specific educational needs during school hours. Some offers take place outside school hours. (cf. article “socio-educational activities through the ESEB“).

The ESEB ensures a first intervention in crisis situations and makes a first diagnosis for Commission for Inclusion.

In case of school, psychological or other problems, parents can contact the ESEB directly.

A teacher has been assigned to join the ESEB. In addition, the Ministry has granted a discharge so that a member of the teaching staff can take charge of equestrian pedagogy, from which some pupils with special needs can benefit.

Teachers specializing in the schooling of children with special or specific educational needs (I-EBS)

Assigned to schools, they are involved in the care of students with special or specific needs in an inclusive approach within the school. They assist students in the classroom, liaise with class teachers and the pedagogical team and act as a link with parents and the Commission for Inclusion. Their mission is to coordinate and contribute to the schooling of students with special needs.

Support for Dysphasia–Dyslexia–Dyscalculia

Support for dysphasia (a disorder in the learning and development of oral language), dyslexia (a disorder in written language) or dyscalculia (a disorder in the manipulation of quantities and calculations) is offered to students with special educational needs in oral and written language learning and mathematics. This support is provided according to a specific procedure in consultation with all concerned.

2-person teaching / learning workshops (“Léieratelier”)

All schools receive a number of additional lessons for differentiation, help and support measures. This means that each pupil can be supported individually.


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