The school doctor does not provide any medical treatment. If the examinations reveal findings requiring further medical attention, the school health team will send you a letter stating the reasons and recommending that you consult your preferred doctor.
Medical observations are recorded in the child’s “Carnet médical scolaire” (school medical record), and treated with the utmost confidentiality.
Parents of cycle-1 children are invited to accompany their child for these examinations.
Other medical interventions
Medical surveillance is completed by other examinations carried out by specialized services of the Ministry of Health:
- annual oral examination in cycle 1
- screening for visual disorders by the Orthoptics and Pleoptics Department
- hearing screening by the Audiophonology Department, as needed
- dietary consultation
- consultation for asthmatic children (Asthma School)
Social aspect
The social (hygiene) assistant is there to listen to children, parents, teachers and any other private or professional person concerned with the well-being of a pupil in elementary education.
The school health team works in close collaboration with: