Lourenço |
Mélanie |
58771-1576 |
Social office |
Agostino |
Maria |
58771-1248 |
School department |
Altmeisch |
Guy |
58771-1211 |
Alderman's college |
Arend |
Luc |
58771-1492 |
Environmental department |
Baffa |
Luca |
58771-1714 |
Biergeramt (citizens office) |
Bariviera |
Carmen |
58771-1716 |
Biergeramt (citizens office) |
Beauchaud |
Laurent |
58771-1333 |
Sports department |
Bei |
Yves |
58771-1815 |
ATI department |
Belardi |
Marc |
58771-1800 |
Technical department CID |
Beni |
Stefano |
58771-1612 |
Constructions and maintenance - Technical department |
Berg |
Christian |
58771-1872 |
Forest ranger - Technical department CID |
Berg |
Christian |
58771-1872 |
Forest ranger - Technical department CID |
Berrang |
Charles |
58771-1243 |
Housing department |
Bildgen |
Lisa |
58771-1259 |
Communications department |
Bintener |
Lynn |
58771-1903 |
Cultural department |
Biskup |
Anne |
58771-1413 |
AIS Kordall |
Biver |
Pol |
58771-1284 |
Technical department CID |
Bizzarri |
Claudia |
58771-1255 |
Communications department |
Bodenröder |
Anja |
58771-1257 |
Communications department |
Boehm |
Mandy |
58771-1542 |
1535° Creative Hub |
Bohnert |
Anouk |
58771-1734 |
Accounting |
Borgia |
Francesco |
58771-1285 |
Treasury |
Bour |
Arlette |
58771-2520 |
Municipal Archives |
Brauers |
Suzanne |
58771-1919 |
Municipal library |
Breuer |
Sacha |
58771-1550 |
Social office |
Breuskin |
Nadine |
58771-1301 |
Senior Plus department |
Brinck |
Christian |
58771-1421 |
Municipal Officers |
Brito |
Ivan |
58771-1238 |
Education and childcare department |
Caputo |
Roberto |
58771-1803 |
Technical department CID |
Carier |
Nadia |
58771-1555 |
Social office |
Carneiro Costa |
Emanuel |
58771-1575 |
Social office |
Carvalho Da Cruz |
Cyril |
58771-1412 |
AIS Kordall |
Cascio |
Francesco |
58771-1540 |
1535° Creative Hub |
Ceravolo |
Nicola |
58771-1551 |
Social office |
Charlé |
Zenia |
58771-1225 |
Alderman's college |
Christophe |
Vanessa |
58771-1712 |
Biergeramt (citizens office) |
Cichy |
Serge |
58771-1287 |
Building permits - Technical department |
Colson |
Valérie |
58771-2234 |
Social office |
Costa |
José |
58771-1827 |
Délégation des salariés |
D'Angelo |
Laurence |
58771-1710 |
Biergeramt (citizens office) |
Da Costa Coimbra |
Cristina |
58771-1357 |
Housing department |
Da Cunha |
Daniel |
58771-1901 |
Cultural department |
De Bouw |
Rudi |
58771-1931 |
Music school |
Desiront |
Angie |
58771-1738 |
Customer/Invoices service |
Di Cato |
Francis |
58771-1717 |
Secretariat reception |
Dias |
Andreia |
58771-1250 |
Department for economic diversification |
Diederich |
Danielle |
58771-1421 |
Municipal Officers |
Diswiscour |
Charlie |
58771-1614 |
Building permits - Technical department |
Dondelinger |
Michel |
58771-1408 |
Building permits - Technical department |
Dos Santos |
Kim |
58771-1711 |
Biergeramt (citizens office) |
Dos Santos |
Jean Michel |
58771-1421 |
Municipal Officers |
Dostert |
Marcel |
58771-1539 |
1535° Creative Hub |
Duarte |
Dino |
58771-1304 |
Sports department |
Duprel |
Yann |
58 77 1-1334 |
Housing department |
Elvinger |
Lynn |
58771-2572 |
AIS Kordall |
Englaro |
Sonja |
58771-1900 |
Cultural department |
Fallah |
Diego |
58771-2590 |
Department for economic diversification |
Faltz |
Steve |
58771-1268 |
Traffic and Mobility Department |
Feinen |
Steve |
58771-1427 |
IT department |
Felten |
Max |
58771-1216 |
Department for economic diversification |
Fernandes Pereira |
Sara |
58771-2235 |
Social office |
Fischer |
Nadège |
58771-1499 |
Environmental department |
Flenghi |
Roland |
58771-1705 |
Biergeramt (citizens office) |
Fraticelli |
Adelia |
58771-1403 |
Education and childcare department |
Friedrich |
Carole |
58771-1253 |
Municipal secretariat |
Gaasch |
Christian |
58771-1254 |
Personnel department |
Gales |
Fabienne |
58771-1737 |
Customer/Invoices service |
Gaspari |
Romain |
58771-1655 |
Personnel department |
Gentilini |
Adrien |
58771-1922 |
Municipal library |
Georg |
David |
58 77 1-1421 |
Municipal Officers |
Gindt |
Andrée |
58771-1733 |
Accounting |
Glodt |
Caroline |
58771-1209 |
Treasury |
Goetz |
Romain |
58771-1206 |
IT department |
Gomes |
André |
58771-1911 |
Festivities Department |
Gonçalves |
Steven |
58 77 1-1421 |
Municipal Officers |
Gonderinger |
André |
58771-1281 |
Technical department CID |
Gouveia |
Marco |
58771-1538 |
1535° Creative Hub |
Grelli |
Ania |
58771-1807 |
Technical department CID |
Grün |
Marc |
58771-1708 |
Biergeramt (citizens office) |
Grün |
Véronique |
58771-1617 |
Urban development |
Gulluni |
Raffaele |
58771-1817 |
Technical department CID |
Harter |
Astrid |
58771-1565 |
Social office |
Hartung |
Jerry |
58771-1221 |
Alderman's college |
Heinen |
Cédric |
58771-1910 |
Cultural department |
Helmer |
Maxime |
587712578 |
Technical department - Urban development |
Hesse |
Carole |
58771-1561 |
Job Center |
Hirtz |
Christiane |
58771-1554 |
Social office |
Hoffmann |
Tessy |
58771-1406 |
School department |
Houyoux |
Thomas |
58771-1912 |
Cultural department |
Huet |
Frédéric |
58771-1568 |
Social office |
Husting |
Sylvie |
58771-1219 |
Accounting |
Jasovic |
Azra |
58771-1570 |
Equal Opportunities Department |
Kass |
Gilles |
58771-1309 |
Sports department |
Kater |
Carine |
58771-1556 |
Social office |
Kayl |
Andy |
58771-1418 |
IT department |
Kerger |
Laure |
58771-1249 |
Constructions and maintenance - Technical department |
Koenig |
Mélanie |
58771-1559 |
Education and childcare department |
Kracheel |
Martin |
58771-2578 |
Department for economic diversification - Municipal secretariat |
Kralj |
Laurent |
58771-1702 |
Biergeramt (citizens office) |
Krecké |
Henri |
58771-1214 |
Municipal secretary |
Krethen |
Ben |
58771-1813 |
Technical department CID |
Lacour |
Kai |
58771-1495 |
Environmental department |
Lafontaine |
Stefan |
58771-1485 |
Traffic and Mobility Department |
Lahure |
Corinne |
58771-1562 |
Senior Plus department |
Lang |
Elisabeth |
58771-1560 |
Equal Opportunities Department |
Lauterbour |
Jérôme |
58771-1876 |
Technical department CID |
Leblond |
Jean-François |
58771-1218 |
Municipal secretariat |
Leite |
Kevin |
58771-1421 |
Municipal Officers |
Leyers |
Marc |
58771-1237 |
School department |
Libar |
Jean-Yves |
58 77 1-1421 |
Municipal Officers |
Licina |
Enis |
58771-1704 |
Biergeramt (citizens office) |
Lima |
Ryan |
58771-1432 |
Education and childcare department |
Loggi |
Davide |
58771-1739 |
Customer/Invoices service |
Lopes |
Sonia |
58771-1543 |
1535° Creative Hub |
Lopes Costa |
Manuel |
58771-1269 |
Urban development |
Lorang |
Pascale |
58771-1905 |
Festivities Department |
Lulling |
Marc |
58771-1916 |
Festivities Department |
Macedo |
Isabel |
58771-1703 |
Biergeramt (citizens office) |
Machado |
Tania |
58771-1236 |
School department |
Machado |
Anabel |
58771-1572 |
Senior Plus department |
Macri |
René |
58771-1900 |
Cultural department |
Macri |
Sandra |
58771-1715 |
Biergeramt (citizens office) |
Marilena |
Falbo |
58771-1295 |
School department |
Martins |
Tina |
58771-1805 |
Technical department CID |
Masura |
Lukas |
58 77 1-1493 |
Environmental department |
Mathias |
Théo |
58771-1909 |
Cultural department |
Mengoni |
Mirko |
58771-1258 |
Communications department |
Mentz |
Philippe |
58771-1419 |
IT department |
Mersch |
Bob |
58771-1934 |
Music school |
Meurisse |
Jill |
58771-1222 |
Treasury |
Micarelli |
Monique |
58771-1245 |
Constructions and maintenance - Technical department |
Miranda |
Melody |
58771-1653 |
Personnel department |
Moreira |
Antony |
58 77 1-1421 |
Municipal Officers |
Morettoni |
Nathalie |
58771-1930 |
Music school |
Mota |
Pedro |
587711574 |
Service jeunesse |
Muratovic |
Dzenisa |
58771-1553 |
Social office |
Nennig |
Réjane |
58771-1906 |
Cultural department |
Neves De Sousa |
Marisa |
58771-1567 |
Social office |
Noël |
Rita |
58771-1415 |
Building permits |
Ocko |
Alex |
58771-1411 |
IT department |
Offermann |
Sally |
58771-1903 |
Cultural department |
Oliveira |
Daniel |
58 77 1-1421 |
Municipal Officers |
Oliveira |
Catia |
58 77 1-1421 |
Municipal Officers |
Oliveira |
Sonia |
58771-1656 |
Personnel department |
Pacheco |
Diogo |
58771-1247 |
Building permits - Technical department |
Pallage |
Chloé |
58771-1695 |
Social office |
Pantaleoni |
Remo |
58771-1801 |
Technical department CID |
Parisot |
Marc |
58771-1809 |
Technical department CID |
Peiffer |
Ronny |
58771-2524 |
Municipal Archives |
Penning |
Tom |
58771-1811 |
Technical department CID |
Pereira |
Michel |
58771-1908 |
Cultural department |
Pereira |
Catia |
58771-1569 |
Department for intercultural living together |
Pereira De Almeida |
José |
58771-1545 |
1535° Creative Hub |
Peterhänsel |
Elke |
58771-1291 |
Constructions and maintenance - Technical department |
Piccatti |
Claudine |
58771-1823 |
Technical department CID |
Pick |
Tina |
58771-1925 |
Municipal library |
Piepoli |
Letizia |
58771-1546 |
Social office |
Pinheiro |
Sophie |
58771-1212 |
Secretariat reception |
Poirier |
Stéphanie |
58771-1732 |
Customer/Invoices service |
Proenca |
Adriana |
58771-1306 |
Sports department |
Queiroz |
Domingo |
58771-1806 |
Délégation des salariés |
Raach |
Marco |
621 317 677 |
Senior Plus department |
Raguso |
Dario |
58771-1541 |
1535° Creative Hub |
Rainho |
Sandra |
58771-1818 |
Technical department CID |
Rasquin |
Tanja |
58771-1426 |
Education and childcare department |
Regenwetter |
Romaine |
58771-1217 |
Municipal secretariat |
Reichling |
Joël |
58771-1829 |
Technical department CID |
Renzi |
Adrienne |
58771-1923 |
Municipal library |
Reuland |
Patrick |
58 77 1-1421 |
Municipal Officers |
Reuter |
Philippe |
58771-1252 |
Environmental department |
Ribeiro |
Sandra |
58771-1558 |
Equal Opportunities Department |
Ricciardelli |
Giorgio |
58771-1302 |
Sports department |
Rocha Soares |
Patrick |
58771-1227 |
School department |
Rodrigues |
Jean |
58771-1824 |
Technical department CID |
Roll |
David |
58771-1303 |
Sports department |
Roncari |
Laurent |
58771-1404 |
Constructions and maintenance - Technical department |
Ronck |
Nicolas |
58771-1409 |
Technical department CID |
Sabotic |
Amel |
58771-1980 |
Building permits - Technical department |
Sabotic |
Sabina |
58771-1718 |
Biergeramt (citizens office) |
Salerno |
Sabrina |
58771-1405 |
Education and childcare department |
Scacchi |
Carlo |
58771-1229 |
Environmental department |
Schammo |
Michel |
58771-1270 |
Constructions and maintenance - Technical department |
Schenkels |
André |
58771-1611 |
Constructions and maintenance - Technical department |
Scherschel |
Nico |
58771-1305 |
Sports department |
Scheuren |
Nicole |
58771-1552 |
Social office |
Schiltz |
Alexandra |
58771-1706 |
Biergeramt (citizens office) |
Schlentz |
Armand |
58771-1654 |
Personnel department |
Schmit |
Monique |
58771-1290 |
School department |
Schmitt |
Christopher |
58771-1231 |
Education and childcare department |
Schmitz |
Marc |
58771-1272 |
Technical department - Urban development |
Schneider |
Suzette |
58771-1713 |
Biergeramt (citizens office) |
Schuller |
Gary |
58771-1420 |
IT department |
Scornaienchi |
David |
Sports department |
Seront |
Jacquie |
58771-1421 |
Municipal Officers |
Siedler |
Tania |
58771-1335 |
AIS Kordall |
Simoes Dias |
David |
58771-1271 |
Urban development |
Skenderovic |
Sanida |
58771-1920 |
Municipal library |
Skenderovic |
Adan |
58 77 1-1292 |
Constructions and maintenance - Technical department |
Steffenmünsberg |
Gilles |
58771-1273 |
Traffic and Mobility Department |
Streitz |
Patricia |
58771-2222 |
Language courses |
Theisen |
Yves |
58771-1812 |
Technical department CID |
Thielen |
Daniel |
58771-1283 |
IT department |
Tintinger |
Lynn |
58771-1308 |
Sports department |
Toussaint |
Steve |
58771-1309 |
Sports department |
Treff |
Véronique |
58771-1566 |
Senior Plus department |
Ulrich |
Alison |
58771-1571 |
Social office |
Ulveling |
Tom |
58771-1215 |
Alderman's college |
Ulveling |
Tom |
58771-1215 |
Alderman's college |
Wagener |
Vanessa |
58771-1660 |
Personnel department |
Wagner |
Céline |
58771-1557 |
Social office |
Wagner |
Thierry |
58771-1213 |
Alderman's college |
Wagner |
Nadine |
58771-1497 |
Environmental department |
Wandivinit |
Zoé |
58771-1547 |
Social office |
Weiler |
Jil |
58771-1921 |
Municipal library |
Weinerth |
Katja |
58771-1423 |
Education and childcare department |
Weis |
Henri |
58771-1845 |
Technical department CID |
Will |
Stéphanie |
58771-1707 |
Biergeramt (citizens office) |
Willekens |
Lien |
58771-1907 |
Cultural department |
Wohl |
Nick |
58771-1282 |
IT department |
Zahles |
Sven |
58771-1220 |
Municipal collector - Treasury |
Zavaglia |
Philippe |
58771-1288 |
Technical department CID |
Zekan |
Alen |
58771-1836 |
Technical department CID |