
NOE-NOAH projects

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The project NOE-NOAH implements a cross-border network of partners carrying out shared campaigns promoting ecological reconnection between citizens in the greater region.

By focusing on fundamental issues (preservation of biodiversity, climate change, industrial pollution, food autonomy, preservation of resources, etc.), the cooperation initiated will lead to innovative action promoting strong citizens, participatory and social inclusion and sustainable development of our common territory.

This multi-sectoral (social, citizenship, nature, science, culture, tourism, youth, etc.) and multi-territorial (rural and urban areas) cross-border network is developing a program of co-constructed and co-produced initiatives. Different thematic areas have been selected: education, citizenship, ecological and social utopias, creation and innovation.

Useful information

Find the latest information material on NOE-NOAH workshops that have already taken place here:

Find  videos of the different workshops on Youtube

All NOE-NOAH workshops can be found in our events section.


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