
Useful information

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Find useful information about the environment. For further information, contact the relevant institutions.

Calculix is a price comparator that enables the inhabitants of the Grand Duchy to find the electricity and natural gas supplier with the best price offer. All you have to do is go to and enter your postcode and the number of people in your household to obtain a price list based on standard consumption. For a more precise result, you can also indicate your annual consumption in kWh for electricity or in m3 for gas.

Calculix is a service offered by the ILR, the Luxembourg Regulatory Institute.

Wood-fired boilers

Little by little, the municipality is replacing the old boilers in its main buildings with wood-fired boiler rooms, as ecology has an important place in Differdange. These are wood-chip or pellet boiler infrastructures, an ecological alternative to fuel oil.

Differdange is surrounded by nature, why not take advantage of it? When it was necessary to replace the boilers in some of our facilities, the alderman’s college immediately thought of the wood that the town owns on over 500ha.

Even if the installation of boilers of this type is quite expensive, it is above all a long-term investment for our children. In addition, the state supports the city up to 30% on each of these projects. The other interest is to ensure a certain independence of the municipality from foreign firms, foreign investors and gas supplies. Instead of depending on gas deliveries from Russia, the municipality prefers to invest within the greater region by re-injecting this money into our economic system, which can only be positive in the long term.

There are two types of boilers. Some will run on wood chips that the municipality produces itself, others will run on pellets, wood residues.

Two to three times a year, the workers of the municipality cut second-choice wood. While taking care not to take more wood than the forest produces, policy makers have made the decision to replant elsewhere.

The trunks go through a chipper that turns the wood into chips. The chips are stored, dried, and delivered by dump trucks to the various establishments in the municipality. The shavings fall into a silo which ensures the conservation of the combustible whatever the weather. On average 70m3 of shavings make it possible to provide heating for one week during the winter period. A centralized technical management system then organizes the remote supply of energy to the various buildings. It is the same for pellets. The only small disadvantage is the resulting ashes that have to be disposed of, even if they are at most the equivalent of a large dustbin.

The maison relais Niederkorn, the housekeeping school and the Woiwer school are heated with pellets, while the new Fousbann school and the central school in Differdange are heated with wood chips.

Ecological footprint

How much land do you need to produce the goods and services you consume? If you were on a desert island, how much land area would you need to meet your needs for food, heat, air, water, etc.?

Calculate your ecological footprint
and follow WWF’s advice on how to live in a more environmentally friendly way.


The “Administration de la gestion de l’eau” is the competent authority for providing flood forecasts for all Luxembourg rivers.

When the flood warning service is on standby, the web pages on are supplemented with current flood information and flood situation reports. The flood situation reports contain information on the weather conditions, indications on the flow rates and water level forecasts for the warning scales. They are published under the alerts.


Water level on the scale of Pétange / Chiers

Photovoltaic systems

You cannot install a photovoltaic system in your home, but still want to use solar energy?

We offer you the opportunity to buy shares in a large 200-kWp photovoltaic system on the site of the Syndicat des eaux du Sud called Rebierg.

Details in the flyer


Compost is a fertilizer and a natural soil conditioner that is highly appreciated for its many qualities. For those who do not make compost in their garden, it is possible to get some from the composting center Minett-Kompost in Mondercange. Your organic waste from the garden and kitchen, collected in the green garbage can, is transformed into quality compost. Compost has many benefits for the environment, the soil and the plants in your garden.

Association for the conservation of nature SICONA

The intermunicipal association for the conservation of nature SICONA is charged by its member municipalities with the protection of nature and the preservation of landscapes.

Aktioun Päiperlek

Here is information about the importance of butterflies and how to participate in the Aktioun Päiperlek.



SICONA kids, developed by SICONA’s nature guides, takes parents, children and teenagers out into nature and also provides them with videos, photos and valuable tips for imitation. Every week a new program, every day a new post – and a quiz on Fridays.


Complaint to the Environmental Administration


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