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Accessibility statement

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The city of Differdange is committed to making its website accessible, in accordance with the law of 28 May 2019 on the accessibility of websites and mobile applications of public sector bodies. This accessibility statement applies to:

What is digital accessibility?

Everyone should be able to easily use and access the information on a website or app including people with disabilities and/or using assistive software or specialized hardware (people who are blind, visually impaired, or have another disability).

Compliance status

This website is not in conformity with the European standard EN 301 549 and the General Accessibility Guidelines (GAAR) v4.1 which implements it. The reasons for this non-compliance are listed below.

Content not accessible

The content listed below is not accessible for the following reason(s):


  • 1.1 Does each information image have a text alternative?
  • 1.2 Is each decorative image correctly ignored by assistive technologies?
  • 1.3 For each information-carrying image with a textual alternative, is this alternative relevant (excluding special cases) ?
  • 2.2 For each frame with a frame title, is this frame title relevant?
  • 3.1 In each web page, the information should not be given only by the color. Is this rule respected?
  • 3.2 In each web page, is the contrast between the color of the text and the color of its background sufficiently high (excluding special cases)?
  • 3.3 In each web page, are the colors used in the interface components or graphic elements carrying information sufficiently contrasted (excluding special cases)?
  • 4.1 Does each pre-recorded time-based media have, if necessary, a textual transcription or an audio description (excluding special cases)?
  • 4.3 Does each prerecorded synchronized time-lapse media have synchronized subtitles, if necessary (excluding special cases)?
  • 4.5 Does each prerecorded time-lapse media have synchronized audio description, if required (excluding special cases)?
  • 4.7 Is each time-lapse media clearly identifiable (excluding special cases)?
  • 4.11 Is the consultation of each temporal media, if necessary, controllable by the keyboard and any pointing device?
  • 5.6 For each data table, are each column header and each row header correctly declared ?
  • 6.1 Is each link explicit (except in special cases)?
  • 6.2 In each web page, does each link have a title ?
  • 7.1 Is each script, if necessary, compatible with assistive technologies ?
  • 7.3 Is each script controllable by the keyboard and by any pointing device (except in special cases)?
  • 7.5 In each web page, are status messages correctly rendered by assistive technologies?
  • 8.2 For each web page, is the generated source code valid for the specified document type (excluding special cases)?
  • 8.6 For each web page with a page title, is the title relevant?
  • 8.7 In each web page, is each language change indicated in the source code (excluding special cases) ?
  • 8.9 In each web page, the tags should not be used only for presentation purposes. Is this rule respected?
  • 9.1 In each web page, is the information structured by the appropriate use of titles?
  • 9.2 In each web page, is the structure of the document consistent (except in special cases)?
  • 9.3 In each web page, is each list correctly structured?
  • 10.1 In the website, are style sheets used to control the presentation of information?
  • 10.2 In each web page, does the visible content carrying information remain when style sheets are disabled?
  • 10.3 In each web page, does the information remain understandable when style sheets are disabled
  • 10.4 In each web page, is the text still readable when the font size is increased to at least 200% (excluding special cases)?
  • 10.5 In each web page, are the CSS declarations for element background and font colors used correctly?
  • 10.6 In each web page, is every link whose nature is not obvious visible in relation to the surrounding text?
  • 10.7 On each web page, for each element that receives focus, is the focus point visible? 10.8 On each web page, is the focus point visible?
  • 10.9 In each web page, information should not be given only by shape, size or position. Is this rule respected?
  • 10.11 For each web page, can the contents be presented without using both vertical scrolling for a window with a height of 256px, or horizontal scrolling for a window with a width of 320px (excluding special cases)?
  • 10.12 In each web page, can the text spacing properties be redefined by the user without loss of content or functionality (excluding special cases)?
  • 11.1 Does each form field have a label?
  • 11.2 Is each label associated with a form field relevant (excluding special cases)?
  • 11.5 Are like fields grouped together in each form, if necessary? 11.6 Are like fields grouped together in each form?
  • 11.10 Is the input control used appropriately in each form (excluding special cases)?
  • 11.13 Can the purpose of an input field be inferred to facilitate automatic filling of fields with user data?
  • 12.1 Does each set of pages have at least two different navigation systems (excluding special cases)?
  • 12.2 Are the menu and navigation bars in each set of pages always in the same place (excluding special cases)? 12.3 Are the menu and navigation bars in the same place?
  • 12.6 Can content grouping areas present in several web pages (header, main navigation, main content, footer and search engine areas) be reached or avoided?
  • 12.7 In each web page, is there an avoidance or quick access link to the main content area (excluding special cases)?
  • 12.8 In each web page, is the tabbing order consistent?
  • 13.3 In each web page, is there an accessible version of each office document that can be downloaded (except in special cases)?
  • 13.8 In each web page, is every moving or flashing content controllable by the user?

Preparation of this accessibility statement

This statement was prepared on May 30, 2022. The statements in this declaration are accurate and based on an effective assessment of the compliance of this website with the requirements set out in the RGAA 4.1 , such as an assessment performed by a third party: Temesis.

Feedback and contact details

If you notice a lack of accessibility, send us a message or contact us at BP 12 | L-4501 Differdange T. (352) 58 77 1-01, describing your problem and the page concerned. We commit ourselves to answer you by mail within 1 month at the latest. In order to remedy the problem in a sustainable way and as far as reasonable, the online correction of the accessibility defect will be preferred. If this cannot be done, the desired information will be sent to you in an accessible format according to your wishes:

  • in writing in a document or email ;
  • verbally during an interview or by telephone.

Procedure for ensuring compliance

In the event of an unsatisfactory response, you may also inform the Information and Press Service, the organization responsible for monitoring accessibility, via its online complaint form, or the ombudsman of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.


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