The daycare center Kornascht provides childcare for your children from the age of two months until compulsory schooling (at the age of four) by qualified staff in a welcoming environment from Monday to Friday from 7 am to 7 pm. Your child’s registration is made by appointment on site. The admission requirements and internal regulations will be explained to you during this interview.
To be able to benefit from the childcare service vouchers (, registration in your municipality is mandatory.
The pedagogical concept of the daycare center is based on the following pillars:
The educator provides an appropriate framework and supports the child in developing their individual skills at their own pace.
The center offers:
At the daycare center Kornascht, children have the opportunity to eat three balanced meals a day. Menus are based on the recommendations of the Ministry of Health. Meals are freshly prepared with organic food every day by a qualified cook on site.
Madame Eliane Cantalini
Madame Armanda Jost
109, route de Pétange
L-4645 Niederkorn
T. 58 77 1-2551
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