
On good neighbourliness

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Mutual respect allows us to live together in a pleasant way. Sticking to a few rules of good manners guarantees a better quality of life for all and a harmonious cohabitation with our neighbors and fellow citizens. It is important to set a good example and not wait for someone else
to take the first step.



Respect your neighbors:

  • Be polite and friendly.
  • Respect the privacy of your fellow citizens.
  • Help your neighbors (to empty the letterbox, take out the trash, etc.).



Our four-legged friends must not disturb others:

  • All dogs must be declared to the local authorities.
  • Go for a walk in the woods. If your dog poos in town, on the pavements, etc., pick up the droppings.
  • Keep your dog on a leash inside the town.
  • Dogs are not allowed in cemeteries, schoolyards and playgrounds.
  • Do not allow your dog to bark continuously.




  • In your garden, you can use the lawnmower, pruning shears, etc. during the week between 7 am and 8 pm, but not on Sundays and public holidays.
  • At night, think of your neighbors and respect the rest hours between 10 pm and 7 am.
  • Do not leave engines (cars, machines, etc.) running unnecessarily.
  • Your neighbors will be pleased if you listen to or play music at low volume.



It is much nicer to live in a clean environment:

  • Do not throw trash on the ground.
  • Don’t put your household trash in the public bins or your neighbors’ bins.
  • Keep the pavement in front of your house clean.
  • Do not throw cigarette butts on the ground.



Parties & BBQs

  • Tell your neighbors when you are planning a big party. Better yet : invite them over for a drink.
  • At home, you can barbecue until 11 pm.
  • In our city, you can barbecue at the following sites: barbecue area in Lasauvage, Stengercherswee in Lasauvage, Vesquenhaff and Kannerbongert in Niederkorn.
  • In our public parks, barbecuing is not allowed.



Prune plants regularly so that they do not disturb traffic or your neighbors.


On the road

  • Observe speed limits, especially in front of schools and if there are children in your neighborhood.
  • Park in the designated spaces.
  • Do not block exits.
  • Do not park on the pavement. People in wheelchairs or with buggies will thank you.


Snow and ice

In case of snow or ice, clear the pavements in front of your house.



In case of conflicts, do not hesitate to contact us:

Agents municipaux
T.: 58 771-1421

Maison des conflits
Neighborhood mediation service

T.: 58 77 1-1410

Brochure (Distribution of the brochure to all households :
October 2019) Illustrations: Kumiyonoe

General Police Regulation (Règlement général de police)


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